Advantages of our Caviar

All of our fish are monitored carefully to guarantee the optimal environment for breeding and growth.

No usage of Antibiotics

Always Producing Fresh Caviar

Unlike other producers who only produce caviar once or twice a year, our technology allows us to produce caviar all year round.

We are flexible to Our Clients

We tailor our caviar to suit your preferences. We can adjust salt levels and preservation methods to alter taste and moisture content. You can choose between glass jars or metal tins for packaging.

Wild or Farmed?

Thanks to technological advances in the 20th century, food has become richer, better, more abundant and diverse. "We are what we eat” became a philosophy to live by - but all that progress brought drawbacks
along with it.

In order to produce more food, we needed to plant more crops, grow more livestock and produce more materials. This production boom led to an unforeseen increase in biological and chemical waste.

200 years ago, it was normal for people to drink water from the river. Had someone told them that one day, people would buy their water in a shop, the chances are they wouldn’t have believed a word!

Wastewater from production processes and sewage from our daily lives are dumped into our local water systems and washed down rivers and streams into the ocean.

People no longer drink water from the river because they know that all those chemicals from the fields, stables, production plants and car exhausts are harmful to their health and can lead to all sorts of illnesses.

Chemicals in Natural Waters

Agriculture - herbicides, fungicides, insecticides & rodenticides

Animal Farming - antibiotics, parasiticides, hormones

Petroleum Refining Industry - benzene, bydrocarbons, sludge

Power Plants - radioactive waste, chlorine, barium, fluorine & Many more

Industrial Waste - metals & heavy metals, perchloroethylene, carcinogens, cyenide, acids Etc

Wild Sturgeon

Wild animals are stronger and healthier due to the process of natural selection; the weak die before they become adults.

Food sources are more diverse for wild fish.

Fish grow in their natural habitat.


Natural water sources are heavily polluted with dangerous chemicals.

Food sources are depleted due to pollution. Others are contaminated.

It is not possible to control the maturity of roe, so quality cannot be guaranteed.

The Caspian basin is closed for wild catch. All caviar originating from there is illegal and generally of poorer quality due to the absence of any regulatory body.


Farmed Sturgeon

Our farms are located in natural waters, upstream in national park zones, free from

Only high-quality feeds are used, which consist with up to 80% from ocean fish. The rest is made up of vitamins with amino acids - vital for the health of the fish.
To make the best caviar, roe is taken at precisely the right time of fish ripeness.

To make the best caviar, roe is taken at precisely the right time.


There are no strict regulations on farming and caviar processing. Each farm has to comply with rules set out by the local authorities, but many loopholes still exist.

This leads to products of differing quality, depending on factors such as:

- Quality of water source
- Quality of feed
- Fish breeding and gene control
- Harvesting and processing
- Packaging and storage



Sturgeons are one of the few prehistoric animals left on Earth. In the hundreds of millions of years that they have existed on our planet, they almost haven’t changed at all. Sturgeons even pre-date dinosaurs, which makes them an ancient species along with sharks.

It is believed that, thanks to their prehistoric protein composition, sturgeon fish have unique characteristics that have allowed them to live for centuries with the unique ability to regenerate tissues like no other animal alive today.

Caviar Heals
Body & Mind

All of those ancient proteins, minerals and vitamins make black caviar an incredibly healthy and nutritional choice for any individual, from a developing foetus to an adult or elderly person.

In Russia, the country from where black caviar originates, it is widely acknowledged that doctors prescribe black caviar to patients after surgical operations and to pregnant women too.

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